Courses developed for NIHR Global Health Research Centre for Non-communicable diseases and Environmental Change

Upon completion of this course, trainee will be able to develop the key elements of economic evaluation:

  • Describe economic terms and basic concepts of economic evaluation
  • Describe the use of economic evaluation for planning and policy decisions
  • Understanding the key components of costing an intervention in the context of an economic evaluation 
  • Recognize different methods and tools of economic evaluation,
  • Understanding the different outcomes commonly used in economic evaluation
  • Explain the scope of an economic evaluation

This module on Exploratory data analysis under the Biostatistics course is aimed to build the capacity of public health researchers to be able to perform exploratory data analysis in context of the research question and research design and to prepare the data for statistical inference.

In the Exploratory data analysis module, participants will learn to:

  • Identify distribution of outcome variables
  • Perform outlier and influential observation analysis.
  • Identify potential violations of the assumptions before the application of final statistical testing and modelling procedures.
  • Identify appropriate transformations for variables where needed.
  • Identify a priori, relationship patterns between multiple dependent and independent variables through graphs

This course is intended for researchers, research degree students, and other professionals, who would like to improve their understanding of linkages between environmental changes and Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), innovative research approaches, and core principles for the development of effective solutions.

Intended Learning objectives:

  • To understand the concept of environmental risk transition and its implications for NCDs in different settings
  • To distinguish public health paradigms ranging from the biomedical perspective to planetary health
  • To practice applying planetary health perspective to their own research/work
  • To recognize different mechanisms by which environmental changes impact on non-communicable diseases and assess their possible interactions
  • To understand regional differences in the NCDs disease burden and its environmental risk factors
  • To practice incorporating environmental risk factors in NCD risk assessment and management through life course
  • To practice identifying and assessing different mitigation and adaptation strategies for environmental changes and NCDs
  • To recognize the importance of systems thinking, transdisciplinary collaboration, stakeholder engagement, innovation, and transformative change and practice their application in own research

Hello GHRC academy members!

A warm welcome to the Academy member zone! This is a platform for you to share, learn and collaborate in your journey at the Centre as researchers. The zone will serve as a:

  • Platform to know your fellow academy members from Bangladesh, India and Indonesia
  • Place to obtain all latest announcements about all current and upcoming opportunities for research capacity strengthening 
  • Forum to discuss your research work with your peers for feedback and support 
  • Place to plan and  hold virtual journal clubs 
  • Repository for valuable published resource materials for your research

There is always more to learn! So let us do it together!  

This 5-part module is designed for an academic audience and will enable participants to incrementally develop knowledge, skills, and expertise in systematic literature reviews. This course is intended to supplement the open and free asynchronous online learning modules contained in the course ‘Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis’ by the Campbell Collaboration.

By the end of this course, course participants will be able to:

  • Understand what systematic literature reviews are and the contexts in which they are useful
  • Develop a review protocol using a PICO framework
  • Draft and implement a literature identification strategy
  • Sift literature results and select studies for data extraction
  • Analyse qualitative data from relevant literature using the Systematic Review without meta-analysis (SWiM) approach
  • Interpret and report key findings from the review

This course is intended for researchers, research degree students, and other professionals, who would like to learn how to plan, design, conduct, analyze and present Qualitative Research.

By the end of this course, course participants will be able to:

•    Identify main features of different research paradigms.
•    Learn how to plan and design a qualitative study.
•    Learn key characteristics of and core techniques used within qualitative research.
•    Learn when to use and how to plan, conduct, and document qualitative interviews and focus group discussions.
•    Learn about validity and reliability in qualitative research.
•    Learn how to enhance the trustworthiness of qualitative research.
•    Learn about ethical issues, practices, and procedures in qualitative research.
•    Learn strategies to present qualitative data.
•    Learn what gender analysis is in qualitative research, why it is important and how to incorporate, analyze and present these findings.


Data management is common for all types of research projects. Appropriate planning and implementing data management processes is crucial for quality and efficiency of research output.

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to develop the key elements of a data management plan, implement ways for producing quality research data and identify ways to ensure data integrity and security.

At the end of the course, participants will be able to:

- Recognize the importance of data management planning,
- Critically review data collection tool with a critical lens,
- Recognize key activities during planning, deployment, maintenance, and closure of a data management project,
- Plan and implement data quality control measures,
- Organize data to ensure security and reproducibility.